Wednesday, October 8, 2008

We Have Bunnies

We have rabbits. Two does named Brownie and Snowflake. They are New Zealand / Rex crosses. Both are does. We are going to breed them to a New Zealand buck. We are hoping that Jade will get a decent pen of four for the 4H fair.

These two are the beginning of our breeding stock. They are going to remain the girls pets. But they do understand that when they have babies, we can't keep them and that we will be eating them. So far they say they are OK with that. I hope when the time comes, they stay that way. I'm going to try to keep them from spending too much time oohing and aahing over the babies.

Here are some pictures. They really are the sweetest little rabbits.The girls both seem to be doing a great job of handling them. We are hoping that Megan will be able to show hers at the fair this summer too.

This is Brownie. She is Jade's rabbit.

And this is Snowflake. She is Megan's.

We are looking forward to learning more about them. It's just one more step to having a real farm. I'm still on track for bees in the spring too. Then all I'll need are my goats and I'll be happy.

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