Monday, April 4, 2011

We have new pets!

We attended our very first Rabbit and Cavy show this weekend. We had a great time and Jade really learned a lot.

We had promised Jade that if she brought her science grade back up from a C to an A before the show we would get her a Cavy. For those of you who don't know, a Cavy is a Guinea Pig.

Of course she brought the grade up in no time and has kept it there. On top of that, she knows her mother is a sucker and it took her about 2 seconds to talk me into two Cavies rather than one.

The one with the white face is a boar. The other one is a sow. They are only together when they are out of their cages and supervised. Aren't they cute?

1 comment:

say what? said...

Ah cavies. I recall the day we counted 44 of them and decided we'd enough. :-)

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