Monday, June 6, 2011


It's been a while since I did a Monday morning gratitude post. I apologize for that. The past month has been kind of crazy for us. On top of scheduling too many field trips with the kids school (the nearest of which was an hour away) we have had crisis after crisis here lately. Mostly vehicle related, which kept me house bound for more than a week straight. While I don't mind being home, there's something that leaves me almost feeling caged about knowing I can't just pack up the kids and run to town if I want to. But we made it through and all in all, things are good here.

Today I am grateful for:
  • A vehicle that holds the whole family at once and runs
  • Good neighbors
  • Summer!!!

What are you grateful for today? Remember to find joy in the little things, it will outshine the looming shadows.

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