Sunday, July 27, 2008

And The Harvest Begins

Actually, we at the radishes quite some time ago. But I never really count them since they are so early.

Everything has been flowering so late this year that I was afraid we wouldn't have anything for Jade an Meg to put in the fair. The entries have to be in place tomorrow morning. This morning I went out and found green beans, yellow beans, carrots (although they are quite small) and just a few radishes that actually grew in the heat. We will be able to harvest the green onions today too.

Since Meg is only in tykes and toddlers, she can only put on veggie in the fair. However, Jade can put in whatever is ready to harvest. I'm so stinking excited for her. I think I'm living vicariously though her since I never got to put things in the fair as a kid. Some time I think I'm more excited than she is.

The chickens are still alive and well. They are doing great in the coop. Hopefully we will have the fence up soon for them. I wouldn't mind them free ranging, but I don't want them to eat up the garden. Also, the neighbors have a dog that likes to hunt and she makes me nervous. Thankfully the neighbors are really nice people and do their best to watch her close.

The camera is still MIA. If I don't find it in the next couple days I'm just going to have to take substandard pictures with my phone and pay the fee to email them to myself.

That's all for today. I'm off to get more ready for the fair.

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