Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Texture Hunt

Our second week of Virtual School is well underway. The kids are still loving school, but would really like to get a little more sleep. We start by 8am so that we are done about mid afternoon. Well, Megan is done mid afternoon. Jade has been working until I make her quit around 4pm each day. She has a goal to finish 4th grade early and start 5th.

Megan had art yesterday. The lesson was on texture. We were to do rubbings of various things. In case you don't know what that is, you lay paper on a surface and then rub it with the side of a crayon. It's a fun way for a five year old to explore.

This is just a small sampling of the things Meg found to do her rubbings on. She would have stayed out there all day if I had let her.
She was fascinated that different wooden things had different textures.
She was on a roll.
She suddenly spied something across the yard she hadn't tried out yet. Doesn't she know I can't run that fast anymore?
I guess holding on to things longer than we should does have it advantages.

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